
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Date for your Diary

Good afternoon everyone,

My poor little Blog has been neglected for the past few days.  I've been so busy in the old craft room with DT samples, and it hasn't been easy.  Mr Mojo is still not back, I'll be having words when he does finally arrive I can tell you.  This is no time to be off galivanting.  I need all the help I can get at the moment.

Anyway, all the samples are done now, and as of this morning, they're in the hands of the Royal Mail. (I'll be back later with some sneaky peeks)
I'm actually going to spend some time tomorrow crafting for me!  I'm going to make a start on my Christmas cards - hopefully. 
I'm spending the day with a friend in her new craft room.  I have chocolate cake, Catherine will provide the coffee, what more do we need.  (Must remember my stamps and ink!)

I also wanted to let you know about this .......

.........  wish I could go!  It's all happening this weekend at their factory over in Leeds, and it sounds as though you won't want to miss it. 
Also, this week over on the Craftwork Cards Blog, they will be featuring a different product every day, that will be available from the website, for one day only at a very special price.  Today it's the Bohemian Glitter Pad and it's HALF PRICE!  Don't forget to check everyday this week for another fabulous bargain.

Well, I'd better be off.  I need to catch up on some household stuff, before the craft marathon begins again tomorrow.

See you later in the week with some sneak peeks.

Bye for now


  1. What could be better Linda than a coffee (or tea), a lovely piece of chocolate cake and crafting with a friend - pure heaven! Hope you have a lovely time, maybe Mr Mojo will make an appearance for you too - hope so. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Hi Linda, I know you will have a great day tomorrow, nothing better than crafting/chatter - not too much chocolate cake!
    Avril xx

  3. Hi Linda, have a great day tomorrow and enjoy your cake and craft....hugs. X


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