
Thursday 22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thursday everyone,

And a Happy Thanksgiving to my US blogging friends.

image taken from Google
We're going to be joining in the celebrations tonight.  Stephen and I are off to a traditional US Thanksgiving meal organised by the company he works for.  That is if his emergency visit to the dentist goes well!?! 
Long story but, we went out for tea last night (after we'd picked Chris up from the airport), and during the starter Stephen had a little accident - three of his teeth came out (OMG!) Not a pretty sight I can tell you, but after the initial shock he did laugh about it.  It's a section of bridgework he had done years ago (lost the teeth in a fight when he was a lad), but it's never caused him any trouble before.  For it all to come out just like that was a little scary.  It wasn't as if he was eating anything hard, we'd only ordered some crispy lamb.  Anyway, we finished our meal, which was very nice, considering.  And Stephen is off to the dentist later to see what can be done.  No doubt it's going to be expensive!! (Thank goodness for BUPA Dental!)

I know I've been rubbish at blogging this week.  I don't know what's the matter with me.  My creativity has seriously gone walkabout, and I have a list as long as my arm of things that need doing. Everything seems to be such a major job.  I just feel like closing the craft room door (with me on the outside) and just not bothering to go near for a few days (or weeks!!).  Unfortunately that's not an option, so it's thinking cap on and back in there I go this afternoon - wish me luck!

I had a lovely day yesterday though.  I spent time catching up with a friend which was nice.  And we even managed to fit in a little bit of craft too (in between all the chatting, coffee and chocolate cake!)  I actually made a start on some Christmas cards - whoo hoo!  Didn't get any finished but at least I've something to work from now.
I did show Catherine how to make the lovely SU Christmas decoration I made with  Sally-Jo while I was across in the UK
Sally had organised an SU workshop for her Stampers 5 ladies (a small group of us who make up a virtual SU party each month).  As Catherine is one of those ladies, but wasn't able to join us in the UK, Sally put together the bits she needed, and I brought them back with me.  We didn't quite have time to finish it off completely yesterday, but at least I remembered how to put it all together.

I suppose I'd better be off, things to do and all that.
I will be back tomorrow, I promise.  I've got some sneaky peeks for you of the new Indigo Blu stamps that will be on Create and Craft on Saturday.  Yes, that's right, Kay's back on our screens 12 o'clock, Saturday 24th.  Don't miss it, the new stamps are gorgeous!

Have a lovely day, and if you've got weather like we have, stay warm and dry.
Thanks for popping by.

See you soon



  1. Hi Linda, sounds like you had a good catch up yesterday. Hope your meal goes well tonight and that Stephen went on the dentist. Looking forward to seeing your work on t.v. On Saturday....hugs. X

  2. Hi Linda, maybe Mr Mojo is off doing his Christmas shopping but hope he returns soon as I am missing seeing your gorgeous work! Love that beautiful ornament, have seen it a couple of times now and have fallen in love with it. Poor Stephen! My DH had a tooth out this week. Hope Stephen is all mended now. Hugs, Anne x

  3. Hi Linda, I lost my Mojo too a couple of months ago and felt as if it was not going to return. But hey ho, it did come back. I just found your blog from Sam Pooles blog and love your bag with the beautiful felt poinsettia. Enjoy your meal to-night. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx


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