
Tuesday 29 January 2013

First Twinchie of 2013

Morning eveyone,

What a busy start to the week.  I got loads done yesterday.  Lets hope I can keep it up for the rest of the week.

I found my missing Tim Holtz dies over the weekend, as well as a few other bits and bobs I'd forgotten about (oops!).  It took me most of Saturday though, before they turned up.  I went through all my Christmas stuff, all the boxes under my table (and there's a few).  I went through all my ribbon boxes and searched through the pile of stuff that's not been used yet.  Eventually, there they were - sitting in a box full of Cuttlebug stuff!!!! No idea how they got there, but never mind at least I don't have to rush out and buy new ones.  Phew !  -  panic over.

The reason I got so much done yesterday is I'm home alone (sigh!) - well apart from Christopher that is, who I saw for all of 5 minutes yesterday. 
Stephen's gone to Dublin for the week with work so I've no distractions.  I can basically do what I like for the whole week - I might just get those wedding invites finished you never know!

I started the week off catching up with Blog Challenges.  Seeing as it's February on Friday I thought I'd better get a move on.  Nothing new there then.  

First off ..... It's Twinchie Time again - the first one of 2013.  (This challenge doesn't actually close until the 4th February)

What's a Twinchie? 
In case you don't know, it's a 2"x2" square piece of Art work, and they are so much fun to do.  Pop over to the Twinchie Blog and see what I mean.  There's a fab Design Team over there that always come up with great inspiration pieces.

Challenge #1 of the year is .........   Anything Goes

 'Time Flies' ...... I've been saying that a lot recently, what with the kid's birthdays, and it being our 25th wedding anniversary later this year, and January's almost gone.........

The background is done with Distress Inks and I've used the cogs from the Clockwork set of stamps from Indigo Blu, stamped in Versamark and then dusted with pearlescent chalks (something I came across while searching for the dies, and thought 'I've not used those in a while'). 
The words are from a Creative Studios set of stamps called Time Flies.  The clock is one of my favourite Stampendous stamps.  I've stamped it directly onto the Twinchie (obviously it's too big), so I stamped it again, cut it out and layered it over the top.  I also stamped the clock face again, coloured with DI and attached that over the top again.  I've add small highlights to the watch using a Stardust gel pen, and also edged around the twinchie with the same.
Well that's 1 Challenge down ......... 3 more to go.  I have done my Timmie Tag,  but you'll have to wait until tomorrow for that.

Thanks for popping by today.  Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday.

Cheerio for now



  1. Love your twinchie, love that watch stamp and it looks gorgeous on that wonderful background you created. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Great twinchie, thank you for joining in with Show us your Twinchies challenge this month, good luck Hun, Zoe DT xxx

  3. Hi Linda, great Twinchie and oh how true,,,,time does fly....have a good week , I hope you get lots done but remember a little relaxation and the odd glass of wine too.
    Hugs. X

  4. This is a fab Twinchie!......hope you're not too lonely without hubby...I hate it when my other half has to go 'galivanting'....but on the plus side, you can craft instead of cooking & cleaning etc ;-)
    Thanks for joining in with our January challenge.
    Barbara x
    Show Us Your Twiwnchies


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