
Friday 25 January 2013

Thank Goodness it's Friday!

Evening everyone .......  I don't say that very often,

A bit of a late one from me today, it's been one of those days.  Nothing has gone according to plan - except the evening meal surprisingly enough.  Considering I wasn't giving it my full attention the roast dinner was perfect, even if I do say so myself.

This flippin' cold is still hanging around.  At least it didn't spoil my meal out last night.  What's the old saying......... Feed a cold, starve a fever, well I'm certainly giving it a go.  I would show you pictures but I can't figure out how to get them onto my blog from my new phone - me and technology, not good!!
Anyhow, we had a lovely meal.  Crab for starters (yum!) followed by surf and turf (the lobster was de-licious!), then Stephen twisted my arm and forced me to have dessert (well, not exactly forced me).  The lemon and raspberry creme brulee on the menu sounded just too nice to turn down.  We all thoroughly enjoyed the food, but I think a second trip is needed just to make sure (big smile!)

Enough about food, back to today.  As it's Friday it's my day to post on the Creative Studios DT Blog.  I eventually got something finished (on the 3rd attempt!), here's just a sneaky peek ........

........ if you want to see more, you'll have to pop over to the DT Blog
Speaking of Creative Studios, if you're a Sam Poole fan you'll be pleased to know that she's back on our screens tomorrow - yeah!!  Saturday 26th Jan, Create and Craft (Sky channel 671, Freeview 36, Freesat 813) at 10am and 4pm.  She's got some new stamp designs, some old favourites and lots of other goodies to add to your stash, plus loads of tips and techniques too.  I've already set my Sky box.

Disaster struck this afternoon, whilest I was making my DT project.  I went to use my Tim Holtz Rosette Dies and they were nowhere to be seen (Oh No!)  You can imagine my reaction - where could they possibly be!  Mind you, if you could see my craft room at the moment,  it's lucky I can find anything.
Once I'd calmed down and stopped looking in the same places, when I knew they weren't there, I did tidy my desk a little.  I found my favourite scissors which had disappeared a couple of days ago, and my craft knife which I broke earlier in the week, but NO Timmie dies (sigh!)  I'm not happy at all!  I had to make my own rosette!

Guess what I'm doing this weekend ......... yes that's right, I'm turning the old craft room upside down.  I will find these dies, they have to be in there somewhere.  And if I don't find them I've already warned hubby that I will be ordering some new ones.  Wish me luck!

Have a lovely weekend, whatever you're up to.  I hope the weather's kind to you.  Stay indoors and craft is what I say.

Just before I go, thank you all for your lovely comments this week, and birthday wishes for the kids. I can't believe that they're both in their 20's.  How can that be, I'm only 35 myself  (haha .... I wish!!)

Cheerio for now


1 comment:

  1. Don't buy new ones! I did that once and immediately found what I was looking for..... Saw your great hanger over at Sam's blog, but could not leave a comment for some reason, but love your hanger. Recording Sam to watch later. Glad to hear you enjoyed your meal, hope your cold is on it's way out now. Hugs, Anne x


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