
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Backgrounds, Backgrounds, Backgrounds!!

Good morning!

Happy Tuesday.  It's the 21st of the month again (where does time go!!)   That means there's a new Indigo Blu Forever 21 Challenge.   This month's theme is ..........

Backgrounds Galore!!

We'd like you to use your Indigo Blu stamps to create your backgrounds - so no patterned papers!   There's so many to choose from.    Use more than one, try different techniques, or just stick to your favourite.  The decision is yours. You don't have to stick to actual background stamps either ...... try using one of your Indigo Blu images stamped in the background.

Before I show you my DT offering for this month, who won the last challenge?
Funny you should ask ........   CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  to (drumroll please ........)

Number  24 ........ sue the iron  
Well done Sue, enjoy your prize.   
Thanks to everyone that took part again. It's great seeing all of your amazing projects using the Indigo Blu range.  I can't wait to see what you all come up with this month.

Here's mine ...

I've used 2 of my favourite Indigo Blu Background stamps -  Script and Crackleglaze

For the main background  I inked a piece of White Stamping Card using Shaded Lilac, Peacock Feathers and Picked Raspberry Distress Inks.  I do love my Distress and one of my favourite things to do is, once the card is covered in ink, I splash drops of water over the top, leave for a few seconds then mop up the excess using a kitchen roll.  This takes some of the colour out of the card giving that 'splattered' look.  A really quick and easy way to add interest to your backgrounds.

I then used the Crackle Background and stamped randomly around the edge with Versamark ink. I didn't use my Slim Jim this time, instead I just rolled the stamp over the card as I wanted the design to be quite patchy.  I then brushed over with Blue Patina Perfect Pearls to bring out the design, and then overstamped with the Crackle again, this time using Black Versafine, to add the look of another layer ......

The main focal point of my card has also been made using a background stamp.  I cut a square from the middle of a piece of copy paper and used this as a mask to ink the centre of another piece of white card.  Then with the mask still in place I stamped the Script Background, and then added some ink splats using part of the Ledger Background stamp (oooh ........ squeezed another one in there)

The pretty little butterfly is an Indigo Blu design that came free with a copy of Craft Stamper magazine last year. I use this soooo much!   I've stamped it over the edge of the centre panel and then again on a seperate piece of card and coloured this using the Distress inks.  It's then been cut out and layered over the top.

To finish it all off I added the word Dream (from Sarah's Choice) and more of the crackle around the edges just to bring the whole design together.

Hope you like it and that it inspires you to give the challenge a go.  You've got until 8.00pm June 20th to create something fabulous using Backgrounds Galore!!   Have fun ...... there's another great prize up for grabs this month too.

Thanks for popping by today.  Have a great week, and Gook luck with the challenge.

Cheerio for now



  1. Great card Linda and you have used so many background stamps....oh perfect for the challenge...and Yes I love that little butterfly too and use it so much....enjoy the rest of your day....Jo. X

  2. Gorgeous colours - I think this would make a nice design for a set of notepaper too. Very pretty. Maddy x

  3. Love this Linda - great colours - love it xx

  4. A gorgeous card Linda, and a beautiful background.
    Love the colour combo.
    Avril xx

  5. Hi Linda, I love your gorgeous background, the colours are beautiful together and I just adore the butterflies, it is one of my most favourite stamps. Saw lots of your work on Kay's shows and it was so lovely that she gave you so much credit - all your pieces were stunning - you are one very talented lady! Hugs, Anne xx

  6. This is so pretty and I love the colour combo! Janet xx


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