
Monday 20 May 2013

Whoo Hoo!!! 100 Followers!

Happy Monday everyone,

Hope you've had a good weekend?  I survived the shopping trip for holiday clothes.  I even got most of what I was looking for which was a bonus.

This week is going to be sooooo busy -  the 'to do' list just keeps getting longer.
We go away on holiday on Friday so I'm trying to get organised.  It's busy busy busy in the old craft room (no change there then).  My kitchen looks like a chinese laundry there's that much washing and ironing, and  I haven't even thought about the packing yet!!!
But, I'm not going to panic.  I'm celebrating!  I've finally reached  my 100 followers - yeah!!
Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to read and leave comments on my blog posts over the last year or so.    And as promised I can now reveal which one of you is going to receive my 'Thank You' Blog Candy .........
Now my other half is a big board games fan, and over the years has collected just a few types of dice ......
A bit of a strange thing to collect, but he does use them.
Included in there are percentile dice, two 10 sided dice one for the 10's and one for the units ...... you roll both at the same time to give you a number between 1 and 100

My son Chris kindly volunteered to roll them for me ................ and the winner is ........
Number 41!!  Working my way throught the list of you all, right from the very beginning, the follower who is 41st on the list is .........
khayselden (aka .... kassa)

Well done Karen, I hope you like your candy.  Just pop me an email with your address where to send your box of goodies (see the 'Contact Me' page above).  If you get in touch before Thursday I can get it in the post before I go away.  If not, then it will be first job on my list when I get back.  Thank you again, and enjoy!

Well, that's my week off to a great start.
I'll be back tomorrow with details of the new Indigo Blu Forever 21 Blog Challenge.  There's still time to enter the current one, if you haven't already done so.   It closes at 8pm this evening, and the winner will be announced tomorrow, when Challenge #4 is launched.

Thanks for popping by today.  Enjoy the rest of your Monday and I'll see you again tomorrow.

Cheerio for now



  1. Woo hoo Linda - well done on your 100th and congrats to Karen! It was lovely to see so many of your cards on Kay's shows Linda and you got lots of mentions too, which I thought was a lovely touch on Kay's part! If you don't blog again before you go, I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Well done again. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Happy Monday Linda and well done on reaching 100 really deserve it as your blog is brilliant...and is addictive reading....
    Great shows yesterday and your wedding samples were out of this world...I really don't know where you find the time.....hope you have a good week will be like a big kid by Friday!!!! Jo. X

  3. Congratulations Linda on reaching 100 followers! Congratulations to Karen for wnning the wonderful prize.
    All great fun and love that collection of dice that your husband has collected, must be fun to go through those.
    Have a wonderful holiday too.
    Lynn x

  4. I knew it wouldn't take long! Congratulations on reaching 100 followers, Linda! If I don't talk to you again before you go, have a wonderful blissful holiday!!


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In line with new Data Protection legislation (GDPR - May 2018) by commenting you do so in the knowledge that your name & comment are visible to anyone who visits this blog and thereby consent to the use of that personal information for that specific purpose ..... Linda xx