
Friday 17 May 2013

How's your week been .........?

Happy Friday,

This is becoming a bit of a habit .... only one post a week.  Don't worry once things have settled down a bit and the holidays are over, things will change.  I WILL start posting more regularly! Hopefully I'll get that new follower too that takes me to 100.  Don't forget that when I do there's Blog Candy for one of you!

This week has just flown by, what with lots of DT stuff to do, ATC's to make for the monthly swap I'm part of, my regular DT Blog posts and of course Alex has been with us.  Things have been a little bit hectic around here.  

Where do I start .......... I've been busy working away on samples for the next Indigo Blu shows on Create & Craft.  Kay's back on our screens on Sunday, the 19th, at 10am with a Rubber stamping show ....... that means lots of tips and techniques and of course ..... new stamps!  They're all fabulous.  Here's a couple of sneaky peeks ....

Then she's also back at 3pm with a special Wedding Show.  Loads of ideas on how to create matching wedding stationary using the fabulous Indigo Blu range .....
Considering I had a little helper in the craft room, things went reasonably smoothly, and all my samples were finished just in time - phew!
We even found time for a drive down to The Sound, and the Calf of Man.  This is one of the most picturesque places in the south of the Island, and the surrounding waters are full of wildlife.

We were lucky enough to see the seals this time, enjoying the waters and sunbathing on the rocks .....
splish! splash!

soaking up those rays .......

Somethimes you can even see dolphins and basking sharks down there too.
We've been down there when the weather's been bad and the sea gets quite lively.  Apparently there's been quite a few ships that have sunk around the Calf and the wrecks are now popular with divers.
We had quite a busy day ....... someone got to snooze in the car on the way home ......
it's alright for some!

We also had our usual walk in one of the many Glens on the Island.  This time we ventured into Molly Quirk's Glen in Onchan.
Legend has it that Molly was robbed and murdered in the glen, and her ghost can sometimes been seen in there.  Fortunately she wasn't around while we were down there ......
We did try to spot some fish though, and Alex tried his hand at 'pooh sticks' which he thought was fun.
He's back in the UK now, so it's all quiet again around here. I do miss my little helper though.

A quick reminder before I go, I've posted on the Creative Studios DT Blog today.  It's been busy on there this week, my new teamies have all been posting.  There's some fabulous projects on there from the girls, looks like they're settling in nicely.

Thanks for popping by.  Have a great weekend.  Mine's going to be a busy one.  I've got DT projects to do, blog posts to schedule, and I have to spend tomorrow SHOPPING!!! - oh joy!!   I need to go and buy holiday clothes ......... I'd rather be buying stamps and ink - I don't like shopping for summer clothes.  Wish me luck!

Cheerio for now



  1. Hi Linda, looks like a lovely hectic week!
    Sneak peeks look very interesting, the programme is set for record - don't want to miss!
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  2. Hi Linda, sorry I am late, have my Son and his Wife here this weekend. They are watching the cycling so I am doing a catch-up. Lovely to read about what you have been up to. Will set up to record Kay. Off now to see what you have done over at CS - just purchased some gilding was from Sam, looking forward to using it. Hugs, Anne x

  3. Hi Linda, so good to hear about your week....and Alex is just do you fit it all in....looking forward to the shows tomorrow...your photos as fab....crafty hugs, Jo. X

  4. What a gorgeous little boy and he looked very serious busily crafting there. Some fab photos too. Can imagine how much you miss him now! Loved the sneaky peeks, they do look very interesting and can't wait to see them in all their glory :)
    Lynn x


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