
Sunday 30 June 2013

Last job on the list .......

Happy Sunday,

How's your weekend going?  We had a lovely day yesterday, starting off at the Queenie Festival.  We did the usual, ate our Queenies, bought some lovely seafood, and caught up with the local chefs and their cooking demos on how to serve one of the island's delicacies.  This year it was pan fried Queenies on a Saffron Risotto with Cherry Tomates and Parma ham - nom! nom!
As always, we had a wander around the craft market and I treated myself to a little something ........

A beautiful shabby chic, vintage mirror.  Needs a little touch of paint here and there, but hey, I'm sure I can sort that out!  Something else to add to the 'to do' list.

Speaking of the list, there was just one job left on it for June - my tag for Tim's 12 Tags of 2013.  Seeing as today is the last day month, I thought I'd better do something about that.

This month it's all about watercolouring using the Distress Markers.  Here's Tim's tag ......

and here's my version ......

Not quite as colourful, the same design though, with a little LindyLou touch added.

I didn't really have a lot of time to play around with this month's tag - nothing new there, I'm always on the last minute!  So, I  followed Tim's instructions pretty much to the letter.  The only things I changed were some of the colours.  I used Mustard Seed, Tumbled Glass and Crushed Olive to colour the wings, blending the colours with my waterbrush, and Faded Jeans for the body.

I added in a touch of Worn Lipstick, and Dried Marigold into the background and used Pumice Stone for the shading.
Doing the splatters and spots onto the background was fun and gives a really nice effect.

To colour the tag itself, I used Gathered Twigs Distress ink, Salty Ocean Distress Paint and just a touch of Wild Honey stain.  Everything was stamped using Black Archival, first and second generation stamping, and I decided to add some words to the bottom (from the Dylusions stamp set 'Quintessential Quotes')

I also added some co-ordinating vintage seam binding ribbon, and mat the watercolour artwork and my finished tag onto some black cardstock.

To finish it all off I added a touch of  Clear Rock Candy Glitter to the wings ........

Phew!!  All finished in plenty of time.  That's June's list all done and dusted, July's is already pinned on the craft room wall.
It's going to be a busy, busy week next week, I've got some DT samples to make for Sam Poole's Create & Craft show on the 22nd - brand new stamp designs, looking forward to that.  I've got some DT work to do for Indigo Blu, and loads of prep work for something that's happening in a little under 3 weeks time .........
I can't say too much yet (because I don't know that much), but what I can say is, it's really exciting and it's going to be lots of fun.  It also involves me getting on a plane so whatever it is ....... it's happening in the UK.

Thanks for popping by today.
I'm off now to share the kitchen with the other half.  Tonight on the menu it's Hot Smoked Salmon for starters, followed by fillet steak, and a nice bottle of red.  Hubby cooks the steaks, and I do all the trimmings.  Pity he doesn't share in the tidying up afterwards though.  Thank goodness for the dishwasher!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Cheerio for now



  1. ...blimey Linda your one busy lady!! supper sounds gorgeous! :)) and totally love your new mirror, a few chips here & there add to the beauty...Mel:)xx

  2. ...sorry Linda, I got so carried away on your mirror I forgot to say how wonderful your June tag is...gorgeous!! :)xx

  3. Great tag Linda, and well Done on getting to the end of the June To Do list...have a good evening and looking forward to seeing all you DT work...Jo. X

  4. Hi Linda, sorry I have been missing a while, bit better now. Your tag is stunning, I love the colours you chose and your background is fabulous. Love the mirror too. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with this month. Hugs, Anne x


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