
Wednesday 10 July 2013

It's been a while ......

Good morning everyone,

Yes, it's me ....... I know it's been a while since my last blog post.  Just in case you were thinking I'd given up, closed the craft room door, covered myself in SPF 30 and taken to a sun lounger in the garden (if only!!!!),the answer is no, I haven't.  Tempting as that sounds, I'm afraid I've not had much time for sun worshipping, although I must confess I did spend a couple of hours yesterday in the garden (in the shade of course).  I had the laptop with me, and I was working.
The reason for my absence is ..... I've been writing up 'Step by Steps', lots of them, and now my head hurts!!! There's a batch been done for some of my Indigo Blu Christmas samples, and I've also been busy doing some for one of the sets of Wedding Stationary I made for Kay's Indigo Blu Wedding show on Create and Craft, back in May this year.  Hopefully they will be going into one of the C&C Club Members Magazines ....... ooh!

It's hard work writing instructions, trying to keep things simple.  You know me, I can go on a bit  .......why use four or five words, when you can use twelve, or more!  Anyhow, each set includes pictures as well as words, and each of them have been followed and the cards etc. made, so yes, the Step by Steps do work!  Just one more to go and then they're all finished - yeah!!

I had to take a break though and make some birthday cards.  Bit of a last minute thing, which is nothing new for me!
Actually, I did say I wasn't going to make any cards for this particular birthday boy, but in the end I weakened.  Well, just because he forgot MY birthday, (for a couple of hours anyway) and I DIDN'T get a birthday card ............ I shouldn't hold it against him.   Two wrongs don't make a right and all that.

So ........... Happy Birthday Hubby!!

Nothing fancy I'm afraid...... but hey, at least he's got a card.

The image is from an SU stamp set, from last year, called Feeling Sentimental, and the words are from the Tim Holtz Stampers Anonymous Classics #5.  This saying is so true.  I don't think Stephen will ever stop playing,  he's always said he's never going to grow up - bless him!

Not only did I make one card, I made two ........

Again, quick and easy, but it says it all. 
The image is from Penny Black, the stamped words are SU again, and the word 'Dad' has been cut out of paper pieces, from my overflowing 'bit box', using the Tim Holtz Wordplay Die.  The 'd's' are actually 'b's' reversed, they looked better :)

So, the Birthday Boy has had breakfast in bed (just like every other morning), 2 handmade birthday cards, and, we're off out this evening, to one of the top restaurants on the island for dinner. Can't be bad!
No pressie though ........ shame on me!  Well, he can't decide what he wants. What do you get the guy that has everything?  A new computer has been mentioned so I think I'll leave that up to him to sort out.

Well, that's got Wednesday off to a good start.  Back to the craft room now, it's my day to post on the Indigo Blu DT blog, so its time to put the old thinking cap on.   Check it out later to see what I've been up to.

Thanks for popping by, enjoy the rest of your day.

Cheerio for now



  1. First of all ....Happy Birthday Stephen.....hope you have a great Birthday....secondly Linda....oh you have been busy , I look forward to seeing your piece in the next C&C magazine....and I am sure your instructions will be spot on.......your cards are fab as always....enjoy the rest of the day....hugs. Jo. X

  2. Oooh, soon to be published eh? Congratulations, it will be worth all your hard work and efforts. Love both cards you did - it did make me smile that Stephen has breakfast in bed every day......... Hugs, Anne x

    1. I know ...... spoiled rotten he is Anne. Truth is, he's not a morning person, at all. So, if I didn't wake him up with breakfast, he'd still be there at lunchtime! Don't think his boss would approve. xx

  3. What a lovely read that was Linda! Nice to know another wordsmith who parlays five words into twelve - hear, hear!! Well done on getting through all the Step-by-Step instructions! It is so cool that you will be publishing them for the aide of other crafter!

    And Birthday Boy's cards are divine to my CAS-loving eye! Really, really divine!! Hope you had a fantastic evening!

    Happy Belated WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Darnell #24


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