
Monday 22 July 2013

We're having a baby ........ !!!!!

Good afternoon everyone,

Two Blog posts in one day, what's going on!? 
Well it's a bit of an historic day isn't it.  Kate's finally gone into labour.  Yes, it's the royal baby I'm getting excited about - not the patter of tiny feet arriving here! (Phew!  - you can breathe again now Stephen, just in case you saw the  post title and thought there was something I wasn't telling you!)
Let's hope he, or she, doesn't take too long to arrive I can't get anything done - come on Kate, Push!!

What a busy weekend I've had, and I've loved every minute of it, well maybe not the flight home.
I spent the weekend in the UK, down at Indigo Blu HQ for the Open Weekend.  It was a huge success and I think everyone that came really enjoyed themselves.  Thanks to everyone involved, the Indigo Blu staff who were absolutely awesome - Diane you're an angel, thanks for looking after me all weekend, making sure I was fed and watered.
All the ladies, and gents, that came to see us, thanks for making the weekend such a huge success.  And of course a mahoosive thanks to Kay and Alfie for inviting me over to demonstrate.  I was so nervous to begin with (it had been a while) but I soon settled in.  It was so nice to have the DT all together.

Here's a little look at my corner of the workshop area ........ 

I must confess it didn't stay that tidy all weekend ......... we had fun though.  It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it!

Dates for the next Indigo Blu Retreat have been released, and also a number of 1 day workshops with Kay.  Check out the Indigo Blu website for full details and cost etc.  Don't leave it too long if you want to attend, they're booking up fast!

I got a nice surprise too when I got home.  Hubby had got a chinese take away, there was a nice bottle of red with my name on it, but that wasn't it.  While I was checking through my Blog list, catching up on what I'd missed all weekend, I found that I'd been ShowCASed for my Shades of Grey entry over at LIM - whoo hoo!!
I love this Blog Challenge, it's just a shame I don't get the time to enter as often as I'd like. It's definitely on the list this week.

Well, there's still no news from the hospital, and I really must get back to the old craft room, even though it's like a sauna in there at the moment.
Join me again tomorrow (not too early though), over on the Craftwork Cards Blog.  I'll be burning the midnight oil to get my project finished for you.

Thanks for popping by today.  Enjoy the rest of your Monday.

Cheerio for now.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the weekend success, Linda! It sounds like you had a fabulous time!! (And it's a boy, yippee!!)


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