
Wednesday 28 August 2013

At least I've given it a go ........

Hi everyone,

Yes it's me again, two days on the trot ....... things must be looking up!

Well it's the middle of the week, already!!!  I'm never quite sure what day of the week it is after a Bank Holiday, I just know that the weekend creeps up that bit faster.
Things are looking pretty good in the old craft room though, just one thing left on August's list - the Timmie Tag!
I've not been looking forward to this one at all.  I have ....... wait for this ...... NOTHING, well very little on the materials list except the markers, ooh and the Distress Ink pad.   I didn't have the right colours of stain, hadn't got any of the stamps (I have very little in the way of stamps to do with travel so it would seem).  I didn't have the mask stuff that Tim's used, and my Idea-ology box is looking rather empty at the moment.
But, I gave it a go anyway, that's what it's all about taking the idea and doing your own thing with it.  Plus I couldn't miss one, could I!!?!

This was Tim's inspiration .......

in fact he's made 4!!

All fabulous of course - love the one with the ship.  Mine on the other hand, is not up to scratch this month.....

It started off ok, the colours I used seemed to blend nicely, I went with Gathered Twigs, Iced Spruce and a touch of Antique Linen to lighten things a little.  So far so good ........ next came choosing the stamps.  As I said I have very few travel related images, in the end I went for one of my IndigoBlu sets - Grand Tour III, I do like this set of stamps, the balloon image especially, and I love the compass.

I stamped the balloon slightly off the edge of the tag, and the suitcase down at the bottom, and then started to make my masks.  I love doing the masking technique, it really is a great way to build up your finished pictures. 
Once the balloon and the case were all masked,  I then stamped the Eiffel Tower (one of Barbara's Clarity stamps) on the right of the tag and then made a mask for this.
The trees were then stamped along the bottom, using the Pumice Stone Distress marker to ink the stamp.  Next I started to fill in the background around the main images.  I used one of Sam Poole's designs the Postcard Background stamp, and added a bit of colour with the Compass image from Grand Tour III, inked up using the markers again.
I finished off by adding a couple of small Paris postmarks using a Tim Holtz stamp from one of his clear sets.

I love the look of layers that you can achieve with masks, it's not a difficult technique at all, you just have to think before you start.  Whatever you want to be at the front once everything's finished, needs to be stamped first and masked and then everything else stamped after, masking as and when needed - great fun.

To finish off I added colour to the balloon using my Distress markers, highlighted the Eiffel Tower with a touch of Clear Stardust pen, and finally added a stamped ticket to the bottom.

I'm glad that's done!

I've also posted on the IndigoBlu DT Blog today.  For those of you who saw Kay on the telly on Saturday, and those that didn't, I've posted the details for one of my card designs that she did a demo of .......

Thanks also to those of you yesterday wishing Chris well at Uni.  He's not long to go now before it's back to the life of a student, for a while anyway.  I am going to miss him, although it does mean that the food in the fridge will last longer and there'll always be a cold beer.  Not to mention the ironing pile shrinking to something that doesn't remind me of a small mountain.  Speaking of which that's the next job on today's list - oh joy!

I can't quite believe I'm saying this but, I'm actually going to start September's 'To Do' list tomorrow - whoo hoo!  What's the betting I'll still be on the last minute with most things though.  There's no fun in being super organised is there!

Thanks for popping by today.  After yesterday's little blip in the weather over here where we had a spot of rain, Mr. Sunshine is back today.  Maybe summer is going to last a little longer after all.

Cheerio for now



  1. I think you have done an excellent job on your tag Linda, I just love the blue of the balloon and your masking is wonderful. I did see Kay and I loved your card that she demoed, it looked really classy, off to have a closer look now. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Loved your tag Linda, a great interpretation. Think that if you had everything that TH has it would be almost impossible not to copy what he did! Love all the variations and certainly makes you use stamps that might otherwise languish :)
    Lynn x

  3. I think you tag is fab Linda....and I love the way that stamps from different companies can look so good together...don't be so hard on yourself...your Card from the IB show is stunning ....I really should use acetate more...thanks for the inspiration...glad you have had the sun today....hugs...Jo. X

  4. Hi Linda, just catching up - I think you've done an excellent job with the tag, and at least you've managed them all, unlike me!
    Love the Christmas card too.
    Avril xx

  5. Brilliant tag Linda, I love your choice of stamps. I caught up on the recorded show and saw Kay demo your card today and it's gorgeous! xx


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