
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Finally ...... it's finished!

Happy Tuesday!

Did you all have a good Bank Holiday Weekend?  I do hope so seeing as how it's the last one before Christmas.
I spent most of mine in the old craft room catching up with stuff!  Well, there was no point in trying to go anywhere with the Manx Grand Prix roaring it's way around the island.

At least the weather's been good all weekend, so race week got off to a great start. It's raining today though, but I don't think it's a race day so no problems there.  Does this mean summer is over? (sigh!) 

As I said I've been busy trying to catch up with stuff.  I realised that it was my day to post on the Craftwork Cards DT Blog today and I had nothing prepared (oops!)  Yesterday was spent making a cute little mini book with the Time Flies Collection
Here's a little sneaky peek ........ if you'd like to see more you'll have to pop over to the Craftwork Cards Blog

Over the weekend I also got around to finishing a birthday card for that very special little man that visits over here regularly .......... Alex.  He's three in a little over 3 weeks ...... boy has that time flown!!
What do you think?

It's actually a Melanie Heaton design, done on one her Cricut Workshops I went on earlier this year - back in March in fact!   As soon as I saw what we were making I knew exactly who mine was for.  It's perfect for him.  It's taken me a while to get around to finishing though - good job I took pictures at the workshop otherwise I would have never remembered where all the pieces went!
The whole card front has been done using the Cricut machine along with the Nate's ABC cartridge. And in true Mel form there's lots of layers and lots of dotting and dashing. It was a very busy workshop, she doesn't half make you work.

This little guy moves around - he's on a wobbler, so cute! 

I've changed mine a little from Mel's original design, it's slightly smaller to begin with,  which meant that everything couldn't go on the outside, but ....... I put it on the inside instead ....

I do like to decorate the inside of my cards as you know.

All the lettering has been done using the Cuttlebug Alphabet dies - Olivia, and the balloons are cut using the new Penny Black die - uplifting

Now I just have to find, or make an envelope big enough.  I think I may just wrap it instead!!

It's the big countdown this week for our eldest - Chris.  He finishes his job on Friday, ready to go back to Uni in Sheffield the weekend after (sigh!).

Next week is going to be chaos getting all his stuff ready.  I'll be washing and ironing for England, and no doubt there'll be a shopping trip sometime during the week, that's going to cost a small fortune.  Not to mention the Leaving Do at the weekend, that's going to get messy!   Oh well, it's his final year, hopefully it'll all be worth it at the end.

Thanks for popping by today.  You'll be seeing me again later in the week, I've still got my Timmie Tag to do.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Cheerio for now



  1. I am quite disturbed by the Christmas countdown at the top of your blog....... LOL! Fab card, I am sure the trip back to uni will be smooth.

  2. Hi Linda, your card for Alex is just gorgeous, I bet he will be delighted with it. Love all the layered elements.. Best wishes to Chris for his final year. Hugs, Anne x

  3. Hi Linda, what a gorgeous card for a gorgeous little man...I am sure he will love it...( and his pressie ) wish Chris lots of luck for his final year...oh and sorry you had rain has been lovely and sunny here....x

  4. Silly you, Linda, of course it will be worth it! Chris looks like a bright and able young man who will do you proud!! And your card for little Alex is a small boy masterpiece!! I can just see him treasuring it, learning how to read from it as he looks at it and wants to know what it says, again and again and again! Well done!

  5. Love your card Linda, a real little lads card. Good luck to Chris in his final year, my Chris goes back again soon, though it's only to Leeds so he's back most weekends with his washing and to eat, and eat, and... Don't you just love the trip to Ikea before they start :-)


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