
Wednesday 7 August 2013

Me and my Bright Ideas ..........

Happy Wednesday,

Hi, my name's Linda and I'm a Craftaholic!  It's official ........ I have too much stash!!!!

What's brought all this on ....... me deciding to clear out and tidy the old craft room, that's what!  If you ever have the urge  DON'T DO IT!!!!!  Just keep putting stuff in there, it'll be fine.
'It won't take long' I said on Sunday afternoon - yeah right!   I'm STILL at it!!!!  And I still can't see my desk.

It all started with Hubby giving me a set of small drawers from his office.  I already had two sets, but he wasn't using the one in his office so I begged it off him.  I decided to sort out the ones I already had, get rid of anything I hadn't used in the last 6 months and fill the new ones.

Not bad eh ...... looks tidy, everything is labelled and to hand when I need it .........

Why oh why couldn't I leave it there ....... I had to go and start on the rest of the room didn't I.  Since then, I've gone through cardstock, cardblanks and envelopes, punches, ribbons, ink pads, the Christmas name it.  I've even started on the stamps (gulp!)
The positive side to all this is that my craft room is getting a good old, much needed, sort through and I've even managed to find new homes for a lot of the stuff I don't use.  Thanks to all the lovely ladies who have taken my 'haven't used in ages/forgotten I had' craft stash, I'm sure it will all be put to good use.

As you can imagine there hasn't been much 'crafting' going on over the weekend.  I did manage to make a card for today's IndigoBlu Blog post though - eventually!
Here's a little sneak peek for you.........

Pop over to the IndigoBlu DT Blog to see it in full.

Well, I suppose I'd better get back in there.  I've started, so I'll have to finish the job.  I need to find my desk again,  I've got cards to make ....... wish me luck!

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Cheerio for now



  1. Love those sets of drawers Linda and they do look super tidy! Always looking for storage ideas for when we finally move and I ge my new craft room - a whole room to myself that I can fill with 'stuff' :)
    Congrats (belated) on your silver wedding anniversary! Now to pop over and see your card :)
    Lynn x

  2. Such a familiar story Linda - I think we crafters all have too much stash, I have got rid of loads of things but still don't have enough room! Good on you for doing to see your card. Hugs, Anne x

  3. Oh Linda...I am green with envy....your craft room and your storage.....and all labeled.....I love it....
    I know you will clear some room and then buy more craft stash to fill it....( well wouldn't we all )
    Hugs....Jo. X

  4. Eeek! I LOVE those units, Linda! I'm about to overhaul the Playhouse, too, and I know I will make a huge mess in the process. It's all worth it in the end; your room is so neat and tidy. Your Mojo will be flowing like karazy now!!


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