
Friday 2 August 2013

What a Week it's been ........

Happy Friday folks,

Sorry I've been missing again for a few days, you know what it's like. 
I thought August was going to be a reasonably quiet month .......... chance would be a fine thing!!!  At least we have no trips planned (yet!) this month.  We do have visitors coming to us though - Lauren and my little bundle of grandson gorgeousness Alex will be here on the 15th, so I need to get the planner out, make a list of everything that needs doing this month, and get as much done as I can before they get here.  Well, it  sounds like a plan, let's see if it works shall we.

What have I been up to since we last spoke ........ let me see.  Wednesday got off to an early start, which wasn't good considering we were out the night before.  A bit too much wine and the bubbly stuff I think ..... but you don't have a Silver Wedding everyday do you.  We went to The Regency, a rather nice hotel down on the prom in Douglas.  Stephen had heard that the restaurant was very nice so we thought we'd give it a go.  We had a fabulous meal, and the Maitre D was lovely.  We'll definitely be going back there.

Stephen's been in Dublin since Wednesday, so it's been a bit quiet around here.  I've got loads done though which is good, and I've had 2 new little friends to keep me company ....... meet Stephen (I had to have this one didn't I), and Sprout ...... my new Charlie Bears

No guessing which one's which ........ Stephen's the big guy at the back.  Sprout was a little anniversary gift to myself, I couldn't resist him, he's sooo cute.

I also had a beautiful bouquet delivered .....

No, they're not from Stephen,  they're from my big brother and his family.

Our painting that we bought last weekend turned up .......

Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but I love it.  I just have to decide where to hang it now.
And on top of all that my lovely Postie brought me some new craft goodies this morning too ....

Look at that little lot ....... another small treat to myself.  Well, I haven't had new stamps in such a lonnnng time  (yeah right!!)  I just need some time now to have a play.  That's not going to happen any time soon I don't think, my list of stuff to do in August is already mahoosive!!
I have finished one big project today though.  I can't say too much, hopefully all will be revealed in Simply Cards & Papercraft in the next couple of months (fingers crossed) - ooops did I just say that?!
Don't tell anyone, but here's a sneaky peek  ........

I'd better shut up now before I really get into trouble.

So, that's another week over.  Hubby is back on the island and in the office so he'll be home as usual tonight.  I hope he's not expecting anything fancy for tea, I've had no time to cook.  I think fish and chips is about as good as it gets tonight - homemade of course!

Have a lovely weekend whatever you're up to.  Let's hope the sun keeps shining, at least for a few more weeks.
I've just heard that the football season starts this weekend too - the lower leagues anyway.  The Premiership is not for another couple of weeks yet.  I'm looking forward to that - Jose Mourinho is back!!! (swoon)  Can he work his magic with my boys in blue again ........ we shall see.

Thanks for popping by.  Enjoy the rest of your day.

Cheerio for now


1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda, I love hearing all your news...and I am so glad you are going to be published...about are so talented...great new stash you have there too....looking forward to seeing what you create....have a lovely weekend ...hugs. X


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