
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Hi Bloggers ....... I'm home!

Yes, I'm back on the Isle of Man after a craft filled, two whole weeks (17 days to be exact!) over in the UK.  I've had a ball!
We've done Craft Shows, workshops, I've tried my hand at Parchment Craft and the Gelli Plate, touched on jewellery making (well Susan did most of that!!!).  We caught up with family and friends, and had two birthday celebrations while we were over there.  It's been great but ..... it is nice to be home - even if it is only for a few days!
It's taking a while to get back into the swing of things though - too much washing and ironing to do.  I haven't even unpacked all my crafty stuff yet!  I do need to get my suitcase ready for weekend though - I'm off again on Saturday morning - Port Sunlight this time!

I thought it was going to be quiet when we got back home - no Chris and all that.  Chance would be a fine thing!
We had two extra people in the car on the return journey ........ Lauren and Alex decided to come back with us for a few weeks.  Long story, I won't bore you with all the details, but I'm glad they're here, and hopefully things will settle down now.

Like I said, I haven't unpacked all my crafty stuff - I've just got out what I've needed. 
There's no rest for the wicked, it's been full on since I opened the old craft room door.  I've just done a post on the Craftwork Cards Blog, it's a Christmas one I'm afraid, but ...... as it says at the top of my blog ....... there's only 91 days to go - eeeeeeek!!!
Here's a little sneaky peek
If you'd like to see more pop over to the CWC Blog where you'll find all the details, and loads of photos.

Next big job on the list is IndigoBlu.  Kay's back on our screens on Sunday 29th.  Not sure of the show times yet, I'll keep you posted on that one.  I can tell you though, there's new stamps on the show - soooo cute!! 
I suppose I'd better get back in the old craft room and finish off my samples - it's a tough job but someone's got to do it!

I'll be back later in the week to show you some of what I got up to over in the UK. 
Enjoy the rest of Tuesday.

Cheerio for now



  1. Oh, my goodness, you are a jet-setting busy, busy lady, Linda! Glad you had such a wonderful time and I wish you safe travels on the next journey!! Hugs, Darnell


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