
Friday 27 September 2013

I'm glad that week's over!

Phew!  Thanks goodness it's Friday,

I hope you've all had a good week, mine just wasn't quite long enough, I could have done with another day or two to get everything finished.  Oh well, I've done what I can, I did make time to do my Tim Tag this afternoon though, I'll be back over the weekend to share that with you. 
The old craft room is tidy - sort of, and the door is closed again for a couple of days  It's time to finish off the ironing pile this evening and pack my suitcase again.  I've got an early flight tomorrow (not looking forward to that!)   It's the Happy Stampers Show at Port Sunlight all day Saturday - now I am looking forward to that!  Me and the girls are off again for a spot of crafty retail therapy, and lunch out somewhere nice.

The reason for all my days being spent in the old craft room this week is Kay's back on the telly on Sunday, witgh IndigoBlu - I know, talk about me being busy - IndigoBlu are at Port Sunny on Saturday then Kay is off to Peterborough for two shows on Create and Craft on Sunday.  According to the TV guide she's on at 10am and 2pm.  Set your Sky boxes, or equivalent, there's brand new stamp designs, a little bit of Christmas, and some old favourite's back in stock.  Here's a couple of sneak peeks of what I've been up to

These will be flying over with me in the morning, then I just need Kay to remember to take them with her on Saturday evening!!! Fingers crossed they'll be on the show.

Before I go, I said I would share some of things I got up to on my recent trip across to the UK.  Things got off to a great start with an all day workshop run by the lovely Sarah McCrossan.  I always enjoy Sarah's classes, we always have a good old chat and a catch up, and at the end of the day everyone leaves with 5 or sometimes 6 gorgeous cards.
This time it was a Christmas theme, using Stamps by Chloe   This was a new range for me, nice simple designs, my favourite was the Starburst Baubles,  and Sarah had created some stunning cards for the workshop ......... see what you think .....

The colour combos we used were deep red and cream, stamped in brown - very rich looking

And turquoise and white, this time stamping in grey ..... a nice frosty looking mix.

What are your Christmas colours for this year?

Well that's me done I think.  Off to pack my suitcase, then it's time for a nice glass of red and settle down to watch the brand new series of Strictly! Enjoy your evening.

Thanks for popping by.  Don't forget about Kay on Sunday, and if you're off to Port Sunlight tomorrow, I'll see you there.

Cheerio for now


1 comment:

  1. Lovely cards. Really like the IB teddy bear stamp, must put that on the list x


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