
Friday 13 September 2013

Not more new stash ........

Evening everyone,

I can see that Blogger's up to it's usual tricks again.  Not only is the internet toying with me while I'm over in the UK (3 hours it's taken me to get this post up) but the text on my Blog posts has a mind of it's own too!    Arghhhhhhhhh ......... I hate it when my posts are messed up!! I've tried my best to sort out the last post and it's having none of it!   But, I'm on holiday ...... so it's not going to get me all worked up.  I'm going to chill, and leave it as it is and see how this post goes - so there Blogger!!!  Do your worst! 

What a fab day we had yesterday at the Craft Show in Manchester, and I came back with money in my purse, which was a bonus. I think that may be a first!!!  Ah well, more to spend at Port Sunlight.
The show was HUGE!!  It’s on until Saturday, if you get the chance to pop along it’s well worth the visit.

Here’s some of my stash, Susan’s still got hold of some, we’ll be going through that during the course of next week I’m sure ........

Wasn’t I good …… no stamps, or 12x12 papers. No Tim Holtz goodies.  Only a couple of small pieces from the MDF Man …….. I know I can hardly believe it myself.

I did get this little chappie though, he's going to make a rather nice necklace I think ..... 

 and I did treat myself to the lovely new handbag ……… 

Well ………. a girl can never have too many handbags (as I told the other half when I got home!) 
I’d spotted it first thing, so when it was still there at the end of the day it was a done deal I’m afraid. (I had sort of hidden it amongst all the other bags though, well they only had the one! – oops!)

With the new stash carefully packed away, the old craft trolley came out this morning. I had my weekly DT post to do over at CreativeStudios.
Sam’s designed some fabulous new Halloween themed stamps that the rest of my teamies have been playing with this week, unfortunately mine didn’t arrive before we left the Isle of Man, so my post this week is completely different – pop over and take a look, I promise it’s not scary at all.  It’s not Christmas either!

Speaking of Christmas though, I’ve been published in Simply Cards & Papercraft again.  In Issue 115 (in the shops now)  you'll find projects from all the girls on the IndigoBlu DT - Clare Horner, Nikki Killinger and of course little old me! 

SC&P Issue 115
There’s a fabulous article all to do with IndigoBlu the company, an interview with Kay and Alfie, then loads of ideas using the latest IndigoBlu products.  

some of my designs
Oh well, an early night tonight I think, well early ish.  We’re off out for a drink this evening with Lauren.  I can’t be too late though, I’m on  a workshop tomorrow with the lovely Sarah McCrossan, at Inspirations in Preston (my old workplace).  Haven't seen Sarah in ages so it'll be nice to catch up.

Thanks for popping by today.  
I notice I have another new follower too - welcome along.  I really do appreciate you all taking the time to read my posts. It's nice to know I'm not talking to myself.

Have a great weekend, and I'll see you again soon.

Cheerio for now



  1. Hello from your newest follower! I'm relatively new to blogging & still finding my way around. I own a shop & we stock lots of the products you use & we run workshops. We're particularly into Indigoblu at the moment!
    Your projects are beautiful & I can see I'm going to be popping back here often!
    Amy x

  2. Hi Linda, sounds like your having a good time in the UK, and not spending too much on craft goodies!
    Congrats on being published.
    Avril xx

  3. Hi Amy, thanks for your lovely comments and welcome to my little piece of Blogland, it's great to have you along. xx

  4. You were very restrained with your craft stash spending :) Love the handbag! Congrats on being published, it does wonders for ones ego doesn't it??? And you so rightly deserve it too :)
    Have a great time.
    Lynn xx

  5. Hi Linda, so good to see you today and catch up....( and I still want your pink craft trolley !!!) ....great article from you all ....congrats.....Jo. X


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