
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Time for a bit of R and R

Hey! it's Wednesday already

How's your week going?  Mine's speeding by. We've been over here for 5 days and our feet haven't touched the floor.  Time for a day of rest and relaxation today, and as we've finally found the internet 'hotspots' in the cottage where we're staying, a chance to catch up with emails, Facebook and of course my blog.

Well, everything fit in the car - eventually.  I told you it would ........ including my craft trolley

There was just enough room left for Stephen and I in the front - it was a good idea to book Chris a flight over to the UK because there was no way he was getting in there too!

Thankfully the weather was kind to us, and Friday's crossing was fine.  We waved Goodbye to the island for two weeks and set off on the first leg of our journey.

Douglas Bay

Chris was safely deposited in Sheffield on Saturday, and he's settling into his new home nicely.  
He's moved into a newly refurbished, 'boutique style' (that's what the property company call it!!) student accomodation building.  He's one of the first ones to move in so he's virtually got the place to himself.  We've had a few texts from him and a couple of phone calls - he seems to be managing OK without us.

We've been spending time with Lauren and Alex going here, there and everywhere, even met the new boyfriend!  
Over the weekend, we went to Knowsley Safari Park  and got up close and personal with the animals there.  It's been a while since we were there ......

here kitty kitty .....

stopped for the zebras crossing

this is a Bongo ..... apparently!

Unfortunately we left the park minus a rear number plate.  Yes, you guessed it, we drove through the Baboons - twice!!!

First time through was fine ........ second time the car was covered with the little devils, which really amused Alex, and one of them decided he wanted a souvenir ...... our number plate!!


The nice kind ranger went in to retrieve it for us, and we only got stopped once by the police before we got it fixed back on -
(Policeman) Excuse me sir, do you know you have no rear number plate?
(Stephen) Yes, sorry officer, but a baboon took it off ............
It was in the boot so we were fine.  So funny though, it's right up there with 'sorry sir, but the dog ate my homework'.

It made for an interesting conversation later in the evening.  We called in on an old friend and spent the evening playing in a pub poker tournament.  It's been along time since I've played cards live, but I did ok.  I knocked Stephen out of the game which he wasn't impressed at - oops!  He finished third, and I came in second.  Not a bad result considering.

Ah well, time for some lunch I think.  We've had a nice lazy morning and I think the afternoon is going to be much of the same.  It all gets busy again tomorrow ..... I'm off to Manchester, to the Creative Stitches & Hobbycrafts Show at EventCity.  Time for some Crafty Retail Therapy I think.

Enjoy the rest of your day, and I'll see you all again soon.

Cheerio for now


1 comment:

  1. Oops, at least you got the number plate back......enjoy the rest of your holiday. Hugs, Anne x


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