
Wednesday 4 September 2013

The important stuff's packed ......

Happy Wednesday everyone,

Hello and welcome to my latest followers.  Thank you for taking the time to join me on my crafty journey.

It's time for a quick coffee, and a break from all the sorting and packing that's going on here at the moment.  The house is begining to look like the day we moved in - stuff everywhere!  I'm washing and ironing for England, and there's going to be nothing left in my cupboards by the time I've kitted Chris out with all the stuff he needs.  We've already had one shopping trip into town, no doubt there'll be another.

There's not much going on in the old craft room this week I'm afraid, apart from me packing up my craft trolley ready for the trip across to the UK on Friday.  That, and my suitcase is the only thing that's all ready to go.  Hmmm ....... there's still a little bit of room left in there........ what else am I going to need?

Stephen keeps reminding me that we're going across in the car NOT a removal van!  It'll all fit, it always does!

I have spent a little time at my workdesk, I'm trying to get the rest of the month organised ...... it's sort of going ok.   I managed to make another birthday card, for that special little man who's 3 in a few weeks .....

Even though Uncle Chris might not make the birthday bash, he won't forget to send a card.
This was really quick and easy, using the 'uplifting' die again, from Penny Black.  I used my trusty old hand cut cloud to ink around for the background, and then added some faux stitching around the edges - job done!

I've also been trying to get my DT projects done, or at least started before we leave - yes, I will be blogging as usual whilst we're away (hopefully!)  Here's a sneaky peek at something that's coming up later in the month  .....

Speaking of blogging, it's my day on the DT Blog over at IndigoBlu.   I'm afraid it's another Christmas design, my favourite one actually, out of the last lot of samples that I sent to Kay ......

You'll find all the details over on the DT blog.

Oh well, I can't make the coffee break last any longer, my cup's empty.  Back to the ironing board it is then.

Enjoy the rest of your day, and I'll see you again soon.

Cheerio for now



  1. Very cute 3 year old card and I love that sneak peek. Your Christmas card is just gorgeous, I so want that little tree stamp...... Hugs, Anne x

  2. Hi Linda, sounds like you're very busy - gorgeous Christmas card and sneak peeks - love Alex's card!
    Avril xx


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