
Thursday 5 December 2013

On the fifth day of December .........

Five Christmas wreaths

Happy Thursday,

Brrrrr ..... it's cold outside!!!  I hope you're all staying toasty warm.  I don't know what the weather's been like where you are but we've had it all today.  Very strong winds, rain, hail, snow, a bit of sunshine too.  Not very nice at all.  Even some of the ferries have been cancelled the sea has been that bad.  Stay at home is what I say - spend the day crafting!

Well, you just knew it wouldn't last didn't you ..... me blogging everyday.  It was all going so well,  but then yesterday just flew by, and I was so busy,  out in the evening too, didn't get back until late ...... excuses, excuses!    All the magazine stuff is done though, just need to parcel it up and get it in the post now before the deadline.

I did blog yesterday, just not on here.  It was my day to post on the IndigoBlu DT Blog.  More Christmas designs I'm afraid ..... if you're still after festive inspiration why not pop over and take a look.

Speaking of Christmas cards ...... I've done 5 more today

CAS ones again, using the pretty Mistletoe Wreath from Sweet Poppy Stencils.  I've used the Glossy White Stencil paste, then sprinkled fine crystal glitter over the top while the paste was still wet.
I've added a festive red bow and finished with the word 'merry' - cut using a Memory Box die.  

I really do need to figure out how to take pictures in artificial light, these are so sparkly in real life.

Well ..... it's Friday tomorrow, another week over.   I've a few jobs to do in the morning (if this weather's calmed down that is), then I've got a post to do on the Creative Studios DT blog and in the evening we're off out again.  There's a bit of a do going on over in St. John's, they're setting up a mid-winter Ice Rink down at Tynwald Mills but more about that tomorrow.

Thanks for popping by today.  Enjoy the rest of your Thursday, and stay warm.

Cheerio for now


1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda, your cards are stunning, what a beautiful design - love them. We have had horrendous winds here today, gale force this morning but it has settled now, thank goodness. Keep safe. Hugs, Anne x


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