
Saturday 28 December 2013

Only 362 days until we can do it all again!!!!

Hi there,
Have you all a had a good Christmas?  I hope Santa brought everything you wished for.
We've had a fabulous time over here ..... eaten too much, had way too much of the Christmas spirit (Hic!) and the craft room door still hasn't been opened. 
It's been the first year in a while, where all the family has been together for the whole of the festive season ...... and it's been magical.  Especially with the little man, getting all ready for Santa ......

Reindeer food sprinkled before bedtime

and a tasty treat left for Santa and Rudolph

Then of course opening all his presents on Christmas morning ........

And, not only did we have Christmas to celebrate ...... but our daughter Lauren and her partner GOT ENGAGED!!  on Christmas Day.
So we've now got a wedding to look forward to (and save up for!) And no doubt I'll have all the stationary to design and make.  It's not going to be for a couple of years though (so they say) so I should have plenty of time.

As the old craft room is not open for business ........ it's still covered in wrapping paper and Christmas ribbon ....... I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite makes from 2013. I'll try and keep it to just a couple from each month but you know how indecisive I can be.  You'll find pictures on here, with links back to the original posts (just in case you missed any of them, or fancied another look maybe).

It's been a busy old year but lots of fun, and I've loved having you share it all with me.  Let's hope that 2014 is full of the same.
So ...... Grab yourself a cuppa, pick a comfy chair, and let's go all the way back to the beginning of  2013.

January is a busy month for me, birthdays galore.  And they all start with Stephen's Mum .......

Bloomin great Birthday card

Then it's the kids (both of them!)  Lauren's was a special one this year ........

out little girl's all grown up ....
I couldn't let the month go without choosing one of my IndigoBlu DT makes ......

tick tock, tick tock .........
I loved these MDF clocks and the fabulous Clockworks stamp set that was launched to go with them.

On into February ..........  it was hard choosing for this month, there were so many,  but here they are

One of my favourite Blog Challenge sites is Less is More.  Here's one of my entries from February, very clean and simple, using the gorgeous Memory Box Poppy Die and the theme that week was Use Kraft and Kreme ......

clean and simple
Next up is one of my DT projects for the Creative Studios Blog .......

Dream BIG!
You all know how much I like to make BIG tags, and this one is no exception!

And I couldn't let Feb go by without including another of my favourite 2013 stamps from IndigoBlu .....
Elizabeth Bennet ..... on one of MDF hearts

she's soooo pretty!
March ....... what a busy month that was what with my birthday, the IndigoBlu Retreat, a couple of craft shows, and all that snow!!

Here's one of the projects we made with Kay on the retreat .......

IndigoBlu Retreat March 2013
March saw the beginning of the Lavinia Blog challenge ........

Away with the fairies .......
And another of my favourite IndigoBlu stamps .......

me and my tags again!
Love this face from the Mr Darcy stamp set ...... but if you follow me on the IndigoBlu DT blog you'll already know that!

On to April ..... doesn't time fly

This was another birthday card made for a special friend

more birthdays ....
One of my posts over on the Craftwork Cards DT Blog was this door hanger I made for the old Craft Room ..... inspired by the lovely Hels Sheridan and her paper blocking technique

pretty door hanger
and speaking of the lovely Hels ......... this went into one of her Sunday Stampers Challenges

Well done if you're still with me ...... I can go on a bit can't I?!  I think I've taken up enough of your time for now.  We're a third of the way through 2013 though.   If you've enjoyed seeing what are my favourite makes and would like to see the rest of the year, I'll be back tomorrow with some more.

Thanks for popping by today.  Enjoy the last weekend of the year ..... and if you're braving the weather to go to the sales then I hope you grab a bargain or two.  Me, I'm staying at home, well I still have the final Tim Tag of 2013 to do and I think that's definitely going to end up on my favourites list!

Cheerio for now



  1. Fabulous creations Linda...thanks for sharing your favourites so far xxx

  2. Hi Linda, your Christmas does sound like it was magical (as was ours), there is nothing so special as seeing little ones open their presents! I have loved seeing your beautiful creations again and many congratulations to Lauren and her fiance, I wish them well. Hugs, Anne x

  3. Gorgeous cards! Love the beautiful variety.


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