
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Favourite Makes of 2013 ....... the final lot.

Happy New Year's Eve,

Not long now until we say goodbye to this year, and welcome in 2014.  Are you all planning big celebrations or, are you like us and keeping things a bit low key.  The kids are off out, and Stephen and I are keeping an eye on the little one.  So it's a nice meal, just the two of us, then it's time to curl up on the sofa and watch a movie.  There'll be a bottle of bubbly (or two) in there somewhere no doubt!

It's been a fabulous year, busy but, I wouldn't have it any other way.  There's been lots of laughter, and a few tears.  We've travelled a few miles, and enjoyed time at home.  I've had loads of fun 'in the craft lane', with retreats, workshops, craft shows and time spent with my crafty buddies. And of course I've enjoyed sharing it all with you.

There's only 4 more months left go on my reveiw of the year so grab a cuppa and let's get started. ........

It's the month of September ......... another busy month.  Chris went back to Uni, we had another trip over to the UK which included a birthday party, craft shows, workshops and ended with Lauren and the little man returning to the Isle of Man with us.  And ..... I was in print .... again!!!

First on my favourites list is another of my Tim Tags ....... I love the colours and the texture on this one

Tag #9
Everyone was still very much into Christmas, although I still hadn't started any of my personal cards, everything was DT stuff.  This was one of my favourite Christmas makes for IndigoBlu ........ Sleeping George fast became one of my favourite stamps

how cute is he ........
along with this one ...... (it should have been in with last months really, but it wasn't blogged until September)

oh Christmas tree ......
and finally for this month .......... a canvas.

Things with Wings
Another project inspired by the lovely Hels Sheridan.

On to October ......... and another Christmas card.  This was for Less is More but it did eventually become one of the designs for my Christmas cards

always love white on white
October saw me say goodbye to the Craftwork Cards DT (I mentioned there were a few tears).

my final DT Blog post
There was also my Tim Tag (again) ........

Trick or Treat?
And more from IndigoBlu ....... don't you just love this bear!

Racing through to November ....... when we had the Poker Stars UKIPT (UK & Ireland Poker Tour) visit the Isle of Man.  Not only was I making cards ..... but I was playing them too!  We also had our first dusting of snow, and ........ I was in print again!

First up ...... it's full steam ahead for Christmas (finally made a start on my own cards)

another Less is More challenge
More Christmas cards for the DT blog over at Creative Studios .......

Ho! Ho! Ho!
Joy to the World
and finally my DT inspiration piece for the IndigoBlu Blog Challenge

Challenge #10
Well, we've made it to the final month ....... December 2013.  And what an end to the yearWe had party after party, including another trip across to the UK.  I was Santa's little helper, preparing his list for him, and I ran an IndigoBlu workshop on the island for a lovely group of crafty ladies.

I did find time to make a great festive project from my favourite craft magazine .....Craft Stamper.  Here it is in the making ........
Advent Houses
and here it is, all complete and in place.  

Ready just in time
There were last minute Christmas Gift cards to make .....

Santa's on his way
My final IndigoBlu project for the year .......

my favourite IndigoBlu stamps
And last but not least ....... I know it was only blogged yesterday, but I couldn't leave it out ..... my December tag ....... 

the 12th Tag of 2013
Phew!!!   If you've made it all the way to the end, well done and thank you.  It's been fun sharing my favourites with you, they've brought back some good memories.

Thanks to all of my followers, for all your support and lovely comments over the year, it means a lot.  I do hope we can do it all again in 2014.
Well, that's it ....... 2013 is almost over.  There's just one more thing left for me to do, and that's to wish you all a very Happy New Year.  I hope that 2014 brings you everything you wish for ...... and more.

Lots of love


  1. Stunning creations - such a great selection!

  2. I have so enjoyed seeing your beautiful creations again Linda! Happy New Year to you too. Hugs, Anne x

  3. Your projects are all so stunning.
    Your December tag is gorgeous, I love the embossed snowflakes you added, so pretty :)


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