Wednesday 17 May 2023

Our Highland round up .........

Happy Wednesday ........

I hope you're having a good week.  I've finally got decent Wi-Fi, and a chance to sit down and blog.

WARNING!  -  photo heavy (you might want to grab a cuppa)
It's been a busy few days.  We are still away in the van, although our latest Scottish adventure is over (sigh!) until next year.
After our stay at Bunree, we actually parked up the motorhome and spent a week in The Shell at Ardtur, an absolutely beautiful cottage, again on the banks of Loch Linnhe (it's a big loch!), near to a place called Port Appin.  

What a lovely spot ........ stunning views of the Loch, and the historic Castle Stalker,  


and what a lovely welcome when we arrived ..... fresh flowers everywhere

and a wee dram to enjoy by the fire in the evenings ........ perfect!

Lauren and Alex came up for the week, and we had a friend join us for a couple of days too which was nice.

We explored the area a little, and found a lovely restaurant nearby, the sea food was amazing!!!

We had a trip into Oban where we did a Whisky Distillery Tour,


and found more nice places to eat

We had a day at Loch Ness, starting at Fort Augustus  

We went up to Foyers to see the waterfall and then stopped off to see the Nessie Hunter.  There was a film crew just finishing when we got there, looks like he's going to be on TV again

I do love this part of the loch, the view is spectacular

We then drove down the other side of Loch Ness, doing a quick stop at the Clansman Hotel,

The last time hubby and I were here was on our honeymoon ........ almost 35 years ago!!  It's changed a bit since then.

We also went to see the great Glenfinnan Viaduct, used in the Harry Potter films for the Hogwarts train.

We timed it just right so that we got to see the train going across.

When our week in the cottage was done, we were off in the van again.  This time, it was down to Luss, on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond, where Lauren and Alex joined us in the van for the first time.

As you can see the weather was gorgeous, it was warm too.  Just as well, as Lauren and Alex went kayaking on the Loch

And even hubby decided to get his feet wet!

Me, on the other hand, stayed well and truly on dry land!

We had a lovely couple of days in Luss before setting off on our journey South

Lauren and Alex's last night with us in the van was at a campsite called Robert The Bruce's Cave.  we've stayed here before, it's a great little stopover for us, it breaks up the journey home nicely.

It was Lauren and Alex's first time in Scotland and I think they've fallen in love with the place just like we did.  They'll definitely be back!

They're back home on the island now, but our journey continues, for a few more days anyway.

We're in Newark-on-Trent ........ Remi is having his service done.  It's a little overdue but, they managed to squeeze him in.  Fingers crossed he's OK.

Thanks for popping by ....... enjoy the rest of your day.
Sorry there's no crafty content in this post ..... I think I've gone on long enough! 

Just one more thing before I go.  Scotland is known for it's weather (and the midges!).  
We haven't done too bad whilst we've been up there.   Yes, it's rained a little bit but, we managed to dodge the odd shower, and we've had some lovely warm sunny days.
I did spot this though, when we stopped off in Glencoe ......

Just about sums it up! ......... made me smile anyway 😊

Cheerio until next time,


Bonnie said...

I am enjoying your travels. Thanks for the update.

nancy littrell said... make me want to go to Scotland, Linda:-) Your camping sites on the Loch's with the views of the mts and water were so serene and beautiful. TFS all your beautiful photos and treating us to your camping adventures, my friend. We have been busy gardening, gardening, cutting grass, etc...Spring is such a beautiful time of year in SW Oregon:-) The weather is a bit unpredictable, but we just dress for it or stay in the house occasionally to catch up..I even posted a card that I made a while ago that you commented on..Thank you:-) Enjoy the rest of your trip and I look forward to your future paper crafting posts:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

Cathy said...

What a wonderful trip, makes me want to visit Scotland again too! TFS your gorgeous pics, Cathy x

Loll said...

WOW! What a spectacular place to be!! The cottage you rented is beautiful ... but nothing compares to Loch Ness. The views - gorgeous! The food looks yummy too! Sounds like a wonderful trip, my friend. xx