Thank goodness it's the weekend! It seems to have been a busy week, but I don't seem to have done that much! I've hardly spent any time in the craft room this week but, I have got a few new goodies to play with so hopefully next week I can get in there and have some fun!
We have been out in the van though ..... we did our first 'wild camp' on the island. No hook up to power, and no campsite facilities ..... it was fun. We have everything we need in the van so we were fine.
We went down to the south, to Port Erin and parked up right at the end of the bay
It was lovely, a bit on the breezy side, very quiet ......... and we survived!!! We did eat out, and then watched the sunset, although it had started to cloud over earlier in the evening.
I assume by now that you've all heard about Blogger discontinuing their Feedburner email subscription service as of July this year.
What that means is, if you receive an email notification each time I publish a new blog post then as of July that will no longer be happening ...... eeek!!!
Now, technology and me ..... never been a good match. Anything complicated and I'm totally confused. Hubby's no help because he doesn't understand Blogger, so ........... I've been doing a bit of research, and now I'm even more confused. My head hurts!!!
I've checked out my email subscribers list for Life in the Craft Lane, and WOW! ..... what a lot of names (though between you me and the gatepost, I don't think half of them are real!!! but heyho!)
Anyway ........ to cut a long story short I've set up a new email subscription form ...... on a trial basis, using
I myself have received email notifications from this, for Blogs that I follow so I thought I would give it a go. The only down side is I can't seem to get my email subscribers list to import in full (told you I'm no good with technology!)
So ....... I've gone through my email subscribers list and picked out just a handful of the addresses that I know and added those to my feed.
Hopefully these will now receive an email confirmation of new blog posts and everything will work fine! (OK who am I kidding, but you never know)
So, if you used to receive an email notification and now you don't, but you would like to continue to subscribe via email, can I please ask you to sign up again using the new form over on the right hand side. I'm hoping that it works, if not I'll have to go back to square one.
I'm really sorry for any inconvenience ........ blame Blogger!!!
This change is going to effect so many of us ...... why do they do it!? If it ain't broken, don't fix it comes to mind.
And, if any of you clever bloggers out there figure out an easy way of getting around all this, please let me know because it's driving me insane!!!!!
Thanks for popping by ..... enjoy the rest of your day and have a lovely weekend.
We've got another Bank Holiday on Monday so it's a nice long weekend here ..... lets hope the sun shines.
Cheerio until next time ........