Thursday 1 December 2022

Pinch and a punch for the first of the month ......

It's December!!!!!!!

Happy Thursday to you ...... the first day of December and the big countdown begins.
The advent calendars have been opened, Mr. Buble is playing in the background, and there's mince pies in the kitchen (yum!).  Lists have been made, cards are almost done and .......... the trees are up! 

There's the one in the hallway which you've already seen ....... very traditional

There's one in the dining room ......... frosty blue, silver and white

And the main tree in the lounge (my favourite) ...... which is all white and gold

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here.

Speaking of which, if you're a fan of Sweet Poppy Stencils then today is the first day of their 12 Days of Christmas 
Each day there will be a Sweet Poppy product available at a very special price and it will last for 24 hours only or while stocks last.

They've started with something festive so, if your love your baubles check out the Sweet Poppy website, you won't want to miss todays special offer. 

Thanks for popping by ..... enjoy the rest of your day.

Cheerio until next time ......... 


Loll said...

WOW! Your trees are so gorgoeus Linda. I would just want to sit and stare at them all day. :) xx

Bonnie said...

I can't pick a favorite as they are all GORGEEOUS, Linda! It's looking very festive around there!